
A Bay Area-based pianist, Hanzheng Li has appeared on concert stages internationally in Europe, North America, and China. Her performances have been heard in venues like Carnegie Weill Hall, Kresge Auditorium, and Boston's Jordan Hall. Highlights of her recent appearances include the performance in New England Conservatory 2020 Convocation Concert.


A fourth-year Doctoral of Musical Arts candidate in Collaborative Piano at the New England Conservatory (NEC), Hanzheng holds double Master's degrees with honors in Piano Performance and Collaborative Piano, Graduate Diploma in Collaborative Piano all from NEC, and a Bachelor of Arts in Piano Performance from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She is in high demand as a collaborative pianist working with renowned artists such as Paula Robison, Donald Weilerstein, Paul Katz, and Laurence Lesser at NEC. She also served as an audition pianist for NEC String Department and Longy School of Music Vocal Department. Her teachers are Chenbin Wu, Weiming Li, Denghui Huang, Yizhe Hong, Minduo Li, Yun Sun, Victor Rosenbaum, Vivian Weilerstein, Pei-Shan Lee, Jonathan Feldman, and Cameron Stowe.


Hanzheng began studying music at the age of four and a half, won the First Prize of Golden Key National Keyboard Competition four years later, and released several performance CDs. Since then, Hanzheng has received numerous awards in national and international competitions, including Gulangyu National Piano Competition (2006), KAWAI National Piano Competition (2007), and International Keyboard Odyssiad Competition (2014). In addition to her solo performances, Hanzheng is an enthusiastic chamber musician invited to Bowdoin International Music Festival (fellow), Toronto Music Festival (fellow), SongFest (full scholarship), Cremona International Music Festival, and Beijing International Music Festival and Academy, where she worked with artists such as Graham Johnson, Margo Garrett, Warren Jones, Susan Graham, Paul Katz, James Conlon, to name a few.


Over the past fouthteen years, Hanzheng has been coaching students from different stages. At NEC, Hanzheng has served as a teaching assistant for the Piano Department, the Collaborative Piano Department, and the Theory Department, teaching theory classes and private non-major piano lessons to undergraduate and graduate students. Her own private students have passed ABRSM and RCM with distinction, and won several competition prizes. With her extensive teaching experience, Hanzheng also holds Music-in-Education Concentration from NEC. In the summer of 2016 and 2017, she taught college students from Shanghai Conservatory, Wuhan Conservatory, and Nanjing University of the Arts in the Huiquan US-China Music Festival and Workshop in Boston.


李涵铮,毕业于上海音乐学院钢琴系、美国新英格兰音乐学院钢琴系及钢琴合作艺术系,先后获得学士、双硕士、演奏文凭,现即将完成博士学业。先后师从吴陈彬、李未明、黄登辉、洪奕哲、李民铎、孙韵、Vivian Weilerstein、Victor Rosenbaum、Cameron Stowe、Pei-Shan Lee,及Jonathan Feldman教授。在校期间,获各类奖学金,如上海音乐学院牛恩德奖学金及新英格兰音乐学院院长奖学金。两次获得新英格兰音乐学院荣誉毕业生 (Academic Honor),多次被选为Dean's List,并持有音乐教育领域资历 (Music Education Concentration) 。在读研读博期间担任新英格兰音乐学院钢琴系、音乐理论系、及钢琴合作艺术系助教。在她十四年的教学中,培养了一批优秀的钢琴学生,在ABRSM、RCM考级及钢琴比赛中取得优异的成绩。

四岁半起学琴,八岁获宋庆龄基金会举办的第七届全国少年儿童“金钥匙”电子琴比赛全国一等奖,后出版发行多张CD。之后在鼓浪屿全国青少年钢琴比赛 (2006)、全国“KAWAI卡瓦依杯”钢琴比赛 (2007)、Odyssiad国际钢琴比赛 (2014) 中获奖,并受邀在纽约卡内基音乐厅、波士顿Jordan Hall、麻省理工学院贝壳剧院、洛杉矶Zipper Concert Hall等地演出。也曾在新英格兰音乐学院、Longy School of Music of Bard College弦乐系和声乐系的大学入学考试中担任钢琴艺术辅导。


  •  hanzhengpiano


Alyssa Wang, violinist

Kaitlin Loeb, soprano

Anthony León, tenor
Emma Robertson, soprano

Angela Yam, soprano

Theodora Nestorova, soprano



  • 11/23/2021
    DMA Final Recital
    Anthony León, tenor; Emma Robertson, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 05/15/2021
    Love, Loss, and Healing: A Recital – The Lyrica Trio
    Anthony León, tenor; Emma Robertson, soprano
    Harvard Musical Association | Boston, MA
  • 05/06/2021
    Liederabend LIV: Ten Premiere Performances
    Andrew Stack, tenor; Michaela Kelly, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 05/03/2021
    DMA 2nd Recital
    Anthony León, tenor
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 03/29/2021
    Song Lab Master Class: Thomas Hampson, Baritone
    Angela Yam, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 03/05/2021
    Liederabend LII: Art Songs and Spirituals by African American Composers
    Elaine Daiber, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 02/07/2021
    Song Lab Master Class II: Darryl Taylor, African American Art Songs and Spirituals
    Elaine Daiber, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA

  • 2020

  • 12/10/2020
    Liederbaend LI: A Heine Liederabend
    Lucas Ludwig Coura, countertenor
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 12/03/2020
    Liederabend L | Forbidden Songs: Jewish Voices Uncensored
    Theodora Nestorova, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 10/28/2020
    Liederabend XLIX: Schubert
    Philippe L'Ésperance, tenor
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 03/12/2020 (Cancelled)
    Moments of Memory: An Evening of Art Song
    Chase Young Art Gallery | Boston, MA
  • 03/09/2020
    Sunwei Li and Zhenpeng Zhang Voice Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 03/02/2020
    Liederabend XLVIII
    Matthew O’Donnell, baritone
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 03/01/2020
    Sangwon Lee Clarinet GD Graduation Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 02/14/2020
    Love & Other Nonsense
    Celeste Pellegrino, soprano; Larisa Bainton, soprano; Juan Suares, baritone; Hannah Shanefield, soprano; Katelyn Hemling, soprano
    The Puppet Showplace Theater | Brookline, MA
  • 02/2020
    Pianist for Voice Department Audition
    Longy School of Music of Bard College | Cambridge, MA
  • 02/2020
    Pianist for String Department Audition
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA

  • 2019

  • 12/05/2019
    Sonata Night XXX
    Chia Yi Su, cellist
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 12/04/2019
    Liederabend XLVI | Hugo Wolf: Selections from Mörike-Liederbuch
    Megan Hull, soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 10/26/2019
    Julia Liao Student Violin Recital
    Brookline Village Library | Brookline, MA
  • 09/27/2019
    Symposium Dinner in Honor of Prof. Jene Golovchenko
    Jessica Shand, flutist
    Harvard Faculty Club | Cambridge, MA
  • 07/2019
    Toronto Music Festival
    Toronto University | Toronto, Canada
  • 06/2019
    Colburn Conservatory of Music | Los Angeles, CA
  • 05/17/2019
    Madeline Cawley Flute Recital
    Park Street Church | Boston, MA
  • 05/06/2019
    Hye Jin Lee Voice MM Graduation Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 04/29/2019
    Sarah Nalty, Marina Beeson, Sunwei Li Voice Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 04/28/2019
    Andrew Port Oboe Graduation Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 04/22/2019
    DMA First Recital
    Shuxiang Yang, violinist; Celeste Godin, soprano; Whitney Robinson, mezzo-soprano
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 04/12/2019
    Kate Davison Flute Graduation Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 03/25/2019
    Jessica Shand Flute Recital
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 02/27/2019
    Seiyoung Kim, tenor
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA
  • 01/31/2019
    Sonata Night: A Centennial Celebration of Viola & Piano Masterpieces
    Martine Thomas, violist
    New England Conservatory | Boston, MA

